The Truth about An Bui and Online Accelerator Career


If you are planning to switch to an online career and decide to give digital marketing a try, you might encounter the name An Bui and his system, Online Career Accelerator.

You will be surprised that a lot has been said about An Bui and his system, like if he is a scam or if he is legit along with the testimonials written by students who have obviously reaped the benefits of the said program. 

You wonder, who is this man and what made him the subject of rave reviews online? For the second time, you ask are these for real? Is An Bui really a scam or a legit digital marketer? Since the testimonials are too good to be true, you might have doubts about the program, the platform, and the man himself. 

Different rumors have been circulating the internet to discredit An Bui, the man who made a $14-billion industry in digital marketing. 

There are those who doubt his ability, his program, and his students who have nothing to say but praise the man who just shared his knowledge in digital marketing and made it work for a lot of people.

Stop right there. Before you believe such hearsays, this article will try to shed some light on the matter and help you decide whether An Bui is real or a scam. Likewise, with


Debunking myths about An Bui and Online Career Accelerator

1. An Bui is a scam

An Bui is a man behind Online Career Accelerator. He is a digital marketer himself and has worked with different companies, which enabled him to master the world of digital marketing. 

Detractors of An  Bui believed that he paid his students in exchange for positive reviews. The truth is, An Bui didn’t have to pay anyone just to be praised. 

His students willingly shared their experiences before, during, and after the program. 

Those reviews are simply an account of their appreciation of the online career accelerator program and how it has changed their career goals for the better.

An Bui also interacts with his students. He answers queries. He gives advice. He is not a fraud.


2. Online Career Accelerator’s course is overpriced

There are free courses out there but students are left on their own. Online Career Accelerator is composed of a professional team that will help students from beginning to end. 

If the course is pricey, just imagine how much a digital marketing course is priced in the universities.

Aside from that, you don’t need to spend long years finishing the Online Career Accelerator’s course unlike in a university.  

If you find An Bui’s course expensive, here’s a tip: watch out for discounts or price slash. He himself promotes them on the community or his social media accounts.

Moreover, his students get a lifetime of full access to digital marketing materials, which they can always go back to anytime they need a refresher.


3. You can’t make money from An Bui’s course

Yes, there is no guarantee that someone can make a lot of money out of the Online Career Accelerator’s course.

This is not a quick-rich scheme, after all. Just like other careers, it requires patience and hard work to succeed. Success doesn’t mean getting rich overnight. 

Through the expertise and guidance of Online Career Accelerator’s professional team, students are able to find jobs that earn them $5,000 or more.


4. Online Career Accelerator’s course is exclusive

Online Career Accelerator courses are meant to help everyone. Yes, even those who have zero knowledge of digital marketing. It welcomes people from all walks of life, non-professionals or professionals alike, who are interested to level up their career development, land a remote job, and earn more.


5. There’s nothing special with the course

With Online Career Accelerator experts onboard, students are assured of. Because of this, students truly learn.

My review for the course? It is comprehensive. The course touches on SEO, Advertising (Google and Facebook), rѐsumѐ writing, to finding clients and increasing one’s income.  

It is true that digital marketing can be learned even without a single cent. There are indeed free courses about digital marketing, in fact, they are everywhere. You can learn a thing or two from free online courses.  

The question is who can you turn to in times of doubts or confusion when you self-study? 

The disadvantage of free online courses is that it lacks the guidance of experts who know the course fully, in and outside the class. It is devoid of true interaction between teacher-student.

Online Career Accelerator is full of mentors who are in the digital marketing industry and thus have the knowledge to guide students even after finishing the course. They are ready to help every step of the way.

At Online Career Accelerator, students get help from writing their resumes up to looking for their clients. An Bui is also a mentor and thus always gives advice to his students whenever necessary.

Students can also learn at their own pace. No one is forced to learn at the same time as the others. The course consists of digital marketing fundamentals up to advanced strategies and can thus be overwhelming for beginners. Students are given ample time to grasp the lessons well. 

They also have a Facebook community where past and present students, and digital marketing experts converge who support each other and develop networking opportunities. 

Students always look back to their experiences and how they changed their career paths. If the training yields positive results, it is just right to give favorable reviews to An Bui and Online Career Accelerator’s course. 



So, is he a scam? Rumors are just rumors, after all. They will die down and will resurface anytime, that’s for sure. However, at the moment, An Bui and Online Career Accelerator is the real deal for digital marketers aspirants out there, unless proven otherwise.

There you have it. If you still find An Bui and Online Career Accelerator unbelievable or too good to be true, tell that to the countless students whose lives changed because of An Bui and Online Career Accelerator. For them, An Bui is heaven-sent!

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I am Jeams Anderson. I am a Digital Marketing Expert. I have a Digital Marketing Agency. The Name Of My Agency Is All-Time SEO.

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