Introduction This is a digital era in which everybody is using computer devices for all activities like business, studies, financial or economic management, data record and storage, processing of all personal or official tasks, etc. So this immense use of computer and technology is not only providing facilities and benefits […]


Introduction Perodua is known for making very commonsense vehicles. At the point when it propelled the original Myvi in 2005, it immediately made up for a lost time to turn into Malaysia’s top-of-the-line model in 2006, and for the following eight successive years. The Myvi till today is the quintessential […]


introduction This is the era of the 4th industrial revolution, and technology is evolving faster than ever. Now everyone is relying on computer devices, using software for their different types of activities, business, studies, all kinds of data records like property, hospitals, student, security records, even in every field people […]

Converting the website to a Magento 2 PWA is now a trend in the Magento communities. However, since PWA is still a new thing, most of the merchants don’t know exactly what they will get after transforming their sites and whether that is the right decision or not. That’s why […]

Economics is an important subject for those who want to understand how economies work and how people manage their money. It focuses on the operations of economies, both big and small, on an individual as well as aggregate level. It’s also of the utmost importance for a country as it […]


IP (Internet Protocol) or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephone is a mode of Virtual Phone system using the telecommunications protocol created for the Internet. Voice is digitized and then transmitted as packets like all other data. The increase in Internet speeds and the savings made on the monthly telecommunications […]

Introduction: Are you tired of searching on the internet for the coupon and discount? Are you wasting a lot of your valuable time to save some money on your online purchase? Think it’s not possible? You are wrong! It is possible to save both your time and money while you […]

Online grocery shopping has been a perfect way of having all the stuff you need at home with just a click of a key. The evolution of technology has given us such ease that it makes us more efficient in our daily tasks, jobs and other plans that we have […]

Introduction: Are you want to enjoy the best poker game online? Then you need to recognize the best poker platform. NirwanaPoke is an Indonesian online poker site. This is one of the best, newest, and most trusted IDN Poker official agent sites in Indonesia. You can earn billions of dollars […]